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本文目录: 1、帮忙翻译一下 2、2009环法参赛选手大名单 高分200 3、有关迪士尼的介绍,要英语汉语都有的.谢谢了! 4、翻译成德语~~~...





Expo 2010 footsteps getting closer and closer away from us, this is a million people watched the World event! Oriental Pearl opened their arms to welcome guests from afar. River in the singing of the waves, a plane of the bridge across the river just like the strings, played a迎宾曲, Mercedes-Benz vehicles on the bridge just like a beat note, written with joy. Shanghai World Expo will be held at a time when, to meet the country's nearly 200 guests. As a small owner of Shanghai, we are prepared to contribute to the Expo. There will be tens of thousands of foreign volunteers assembled in Shanghai, as a secondary school student in Shanghai, I am proud, I wish I could be a little Expo volunteers from all over the world for friends introduced in Shanghai, China.

Expo's theme is "Let the city agency better." At that time, Shanghai is the green and luxuriant flowers and trees, people will show a beautiful Shangri-La. I would like to become a defender of the city in small green-maintaining, for a green city, so that the road become more clean, let the city more beautiful.

If I am a Volunteer Expo, I use English with the guests from abroad to chat. Language is the bridge of friendship. I am trying to learn English, to English and foreign exchange is a matter I am happy. I want to make foreign guests from China were the feelings of friendship, witness the demeanor of the Chinese middle school students.

If I am a Volunteer Expo. I will introduce to the foreign friends of China's tremendous changes, from rural to urban areas; from the "Shenzhou VI" to the moon; from the Shanghai World Expo to China's future. Visit the Shanghai Museum of History, brief them on the land of China's historical figures, with a vivid image of historical figures to describe the heroic figures of China, with bright paintings show the Chinese history and great glory.

If I am a Volunteer Expo, I will smile for the guests about Shanghai's my favorite. Shanghai night like a bright pearl, lantern of the Bund des Nations decorate buildings have Ambilight. I shall explain to them the Oriental Pearl Tower, Jinmao Tower and the Global Center, to enable them to understand this magnificent building in the end there is no secret and take them to the Shanghai Grand Theater to listen to wonderful music.

If I am a Volunteer Expo. I will work hard to teach foreigners to learn Chinese, Chinese is now the language is also one of the most popular overseas, I will teach them to write calligraphy, Chinese painting art; I will tell foreign friends of China's cultural tradition, dragon boat races, visiting temple fairs, lantern guess with foreign friends and Temple Yuyuan mortar, eating snacks Temple to see clay, flour, and shadow. Let further the feelings of the Chinese foreign friends.

Shanghai World Expo and the city have a relationship everyone, everyone of us should be masters to participate in the Expo, and practical action in their own interpretation of "City, Better Life" theme. I would like to strive for this goal to learn, learning history, English and local cultural practices, and future services for the Shanghai World Expo, the world saw a warm, civilized, beautiful, advanced in China.


Expo 2010 voetstappen dichter en dichter uit de buurt van ons, dit is een miljoen mensen zagen hoe de wereld evenement! Oriental Pearl openden hun armen verwelkomen de gasten van verre. Rivier in het zingen van de golven, een vliegtuig van de brug over de rivier, net als de strijkers, speelde een迎宾曲, Mercedes-Benz voertuigen op de brug net als een beat notitie geschreven met vreugde. Shanghai World Expo zal plaatsvinden op een moment dat, om tegemoet te komen aan het land van de bijna 200 gasten. Als een klein eigenaar van Shanghai, zijn wij bereid om bij te dragen aan de Expo. Er zullen tienduizenden buitenlandse vrijwilligers geassembleerd in Sjanghai, zoals een middelbare school student in Shanghai, ik ben er trots op, ik wou dat ik kon een beetje Expo vrijwilligers van over de hele wereld voor vrienden in Shanghai, China.

Expo Het thema is "Laat de stad agentschap beter." Op dat moment, Shanghai is de groene en weelderige bloemen en bomen, zullen de mensen een prachtige Shangri-La. Ik wil graag een verdediger van de stad in kleine groen-onderhoud, voor een groene stad, zodat de weg meer schoon, laat de stad mooier.

Als ik ben een vrijwilliger Expo, ik gebruik het Engels met de gasten uit het buitenland te kunnen chatten. Taal is de brug van vriendschap. Ik probeer te leren Engels, het Engels en deviezen is een zaak ben ik gelukkig. Ik wil buitenlandse gasten uit China waren de gevoelens van vriendschap, getuige het gedrag van de Chinese middelbare scholieren.

Als ik ben een vrijwilliger Expo. Ik zal aan de buitenlandse vrienden van China's enorme veranderingen, van het platteland naar de stedelijke gebieden; van de "Shenzhou VI" naar de maan, van de Shanghai World Expo aan China's toekomst. Bezoek het Shanghai Museum van de Geschiedenis, kort op de grond van China's historische cijfers, met een levendig beeld van de historische cijfers voor de beschrijving van het heroïsche figuren van China, met heldere schilderijen tonen de Chinese geschiedenis en grote heerlijkheid.

Als ik ben een vrijwilliger Expo, zal ik glimlach voor de gasten over Shanghai is mijn favoriet. Shanghai nacht als een heldere parel, lantaarn van de Bund des Nations decoreren gebouwen hebben Ambilight. Ik zal uitleggen aan hen de Oriental Pearl Tower, Jinmao Toren en het Global Center, om hen in staat te begrijpen dit prachtige gebouw aan het einde daar is geen geheim en neemt ze het Shanghai Grand Theater te luisteren naar prachtige muziek.

Als ik ben een vrijwilliger Expo. Ik zal hard werken om te onderwijzen buitenlanders om te leren Chinees, Chinees is nu de taal is ook een van de meest populaire overzeese, ik zal leren ze om te schrijven kalligrafie, Chinese schilderkunst; Ik zal vertellen buitenlandse vrienden van China's culturele traditie, dragon boat races, tempel bezoekt beurzen, lantaarn raden met buitenlandse vrienden en Temple Yuyuan mortel, eten snacks Tempel te zien klei, bloem, en schaduw. Laat verder de gevoelens van de Chinese buitenlandse vrienden.

Shanghai World Expo en de stad hebben een relatie iedereen, iedereen van ons moet zijn meesters om deel te nemen aan de Expo, en concrete acties in hun eigen interpretatie van "Stad, Beter Leven" thema. Ik zou graag willen inzetten voor dit doel om te leren, het leren van de geschiedenis, Engels en de lokale culturele praktijken en toekomstige diensten voor de Shanghai World Expo, de wereld zag een warm, beschaafd, prachtige, geavanceerde in China.


Expo 2010 passi avvicinarsi e di una più stretta di distanza da noi, si tratta di un milione di persone guardato l'evento mondiale! Oriental Pearl aperto le braccia per accogliere ospiti provenienti da lontano. Nel fiume, il canto delle onde, un piano del ponte sul fiume come le stringhe, ha svolto un迎宾曲, Mercedes-Benz veicoli sul ponte come un battito nota, scritta con gioia. Shanghai World Expo che si terrà in un momento in cui, per rispondere del paese di circa 200 ospiti. Come un piccolo proprietario di Shanghai, siamo pronti a contribuire alla Expo. Ci saranno decine di migliaia di volontari stranieri riuniti a Shanghai, come uno studente di scuola secondaria a Shanghai, sono orgoglioso, vorrei poter essere un po 'Expo volontari provenienti da tutto il mondo per gli amici introdotto a Shanghai, Cina.

Expo tema è "La città agenzia meglio". A quel tempo, Shanghai è il verde lussureggiante e fiori e alberi, la gente si mostra una bella Shangri-La. Vorrei diventare un difensore della città, nel verde, il mantenimento di piccole dimensioni, per una città verde, in modo che la strada diventata più pulita, per non parlare della città più bella.

假如我是一名世博志愿者,我要用英语同来自异国他乡的外宾进行交谈。 La lingua è il ponte di amicizia. Sto cercando di imparare l'inglese, l'inglese e in valuta estera è una questione Sono felice. Vorrei fare gli ospiti stranieri provenienti dalla Cina sono stati i sentimenti di amicizia, di testimoniare il comportamento della scuola media gli studenti cinesi.

Se sono un Volontario Expo. I introdurrà alla stranieri amici della Cina enormi cambiamenti, dalle aree rurali a quelle urbane, dalla "Shenzhou VI" per la luna, dalla Shanghai World Expo per il futuro della Cina. Visita il Museo di Storia di Shanghai, breve sul terreno della Cina storici, con una viva immagine di figure storiche di descrivere le figure eroiche della Cina, con brillanti dipinti mostrano la storia cinese e grande gloria.

Se sono un Volontario Expo, mi sorriso per gli ospiti su Shanghai è il mio preferito. Shanghai notte luminosa come una perla, la lanterna del Bund des Nations decorare edifici sono Ambilight. I spiegare loro l'Oriental Pearl Tower, Jinmao Tower e il Global Center, per permettere loro di comprendere questo magnifico edificio, alla fine, non vi è alcun segreto e al Gran Teatro di Shanghai per ascoltare la musica meravigliosa.

Se sono un Volontario Expo. Io lavoro duro per insegnare stranieri imparare il cinese, il cinese è la lingua è anche uno dei piu 'conosciuti all'estero, mi insegnerà loro a scrivere la calligrafia, pittura cinese; dirò stranieri amici della tradizione culturale della Cina, drago regate, visitando fiere tempio, fanale indovinare con gli amici e Tempio Yuyuan mortaio, mangiare snack Tempio vedere argilla, farina, e l'ombra. Cerchiamo inoltre i sentimenti dei cinesi amici stranieri.

Shanghai World Expo e la città hanno un rapporto di tutti, ognuno di noi dovrebbe essere maestri di partecipare alla Expo, e azioni concrete nella propria interpretazione del concetto di "City, Better Life" tema. Vorrei a lottare per questo obiettivo di imparare, l'apprendimento della storia, inglese e pratiche culturali locali, e il futuro dei servizi di Shanghai World Expo, il mondo ha visto un ambiente caldo, civile, bello, avanzata in Cina.



2009环法参赛选手大名单 高分200


Agritubel:Maxime Bouet、Sylvain Calzati、Brice Feillu、Romain Feillu、Eduardo Gonzalo、David Le Lay、Geoffroy Lequatre、Christophe Moreau及Nicolas Vogondy

AG2R La Mondiale:Stéphane Goubert、Lloyd Mondory、Cyril Dessel(08年环法单站)、Christophe Riblon、José Luis Arrieta Lujambio、Hubert Dupont、Rinaldo Nocentini、Vladimir Efimkin(08年环法单站,取代因禁药被除名的Riccardo Riccò)及Nicholas Roche

Astana:Lance Armstrong(7届环法总冠军)、Alberto Contador(09年西班牙国家计时赛冠军、07年环法、08年环义及环西班牙总冠军)、Andreas Klöden、Levi Leipheimer(07年环法总成绩第3、07-09年环加州总冠军)、Yaroslav Popovych、Haimar Zubeldia(前Euskaltel-Euskadi车队主将)、Sergio Paulinho、Gregory Rast及Dimitriy Muravyey;其中Lance Armstrong及Alberto Contador为车队双主将,令人意外的是Chris Horner并未列入九人名单

BBox Bouygues Telecom:新城幸也(Yukiya Arashiro)(2007年日本公路车赛冠军)、William Bonnet、Pierrick Fédrigo、Pierre Rolland、Yuriy Trofimov、Thomas Voeckler(前法国国家冠军)、Laurent Lefèvre、Alexandre Pichot及Saïd Haddou(冲刺主将)

Caisse d'Epargne:Jose Ivan Gutierrez、Oscar Pereiro(06年环法冠军,原本冠军Floyd Landis因禁药被取消资格)、Luis Leon Sanchez、Luis Pasamontes Rodriguez、David Arroyo、José Joaquín Rojas、Rui Costa,、Arnaud Coyot及Rigoberto Uran;车队主将,08年西班牙国家冠军Alejandro Valverde受到义大利奥委会反禁药部门的禁赛处分影响,2009年环法赛将确定不会参加

Cervélo TestTeam:Carlos Sastre(08年总冠军,GC主将)、Heinrich Haussler(冲刺新秀)及Thor Hushovd(冲刺主将,刚与车队续约至2011年)、Inigo Cuesta、Volodymir Gustov、Andreas Klier、Brett Lancaster、José Angel Gomez Marchante及Hayden Roulston

Cofidis Le Credit en Ligne:Stéphane Augé、Samuel Dumoulin、Leonardo Duque、Bingen Fernandez、Christophe Kern、Sébastien Minard、Amaël Moinard、David Moncoutié及Rémi Pauriol;车队将把重心放在登山赛段,以David Moncoutié作为该车队登山赛段主将

Columbia-HTC:Mark Cavendish(曼岛飞弹、09年Milan-San Remo古典赛冠军、08年四站冠军、冲刺主将)、George Hincapie(车队队长,连14届参与环法)、Tony Martin(09年环瑞士单站)、Mark Renshaw、Michael Rogers、 Maxime Monfort、Kim Kirchen(09年卢森堡国家ITT冠军、09年环瑞士单站、08年GC第8位)、Bernhard Eisel(09年环瑞士单站)、Bert Grabsch(09年德国计时赛冠军及现任UCI世界计时赛冠军);另台湾智慧手机大厂宏达电(HTC)赞助车队三年,取得共同冠名权,车队队名也改称为「Team Columbia-HTC」

Euskaltel-Euskadi:Mikel Astarloza、Igor Antón、Rubén Pérez、Amets Txurruka、Egoi Martínez、Gorka Verdugo、uan Jose Oroz、Koldo Fernandez及Alan Perez;去年环法GC第7名的Samuel Sánchez并未参与本年赛事,因此车队主要目标将放在取得单站优胜

Française des Jeux:Sandy Casar(GC主将)、Jérôme Coppel、Anthony Geslin、 Yauheni Hutarovich(车队队长、冲刺主将)、Sébastien Joly、Christophe Le Mével、Benoît Vaugrenard、Jussi Veikkanen、Jérémy Roy及Rémy Di Gregorio;车队经理表示,将以争取分站胜利为主要目标,该车队最近一次环法单站胜利,为2007年时由主将Sandy Casar在第18站-Angoulême所取得

Garmin-Slipstream:Julian Dean、Tyler Farrar(冲刺主将)、Ryder Hesjedal、Dan Martin、David Millar、Danny Pate、Christian Vande Velde(GC主将)、Bradley Wiggins(08年北京奥运金牌)、David Zabriskie(美国计时赛冠军)

Katusha:Filippo Pozzato、Vladimir Karpets(GC主将)、Danilo Napolitano、Alexandre Botcharov、Serguei Ivanov、Mikhail Ignatiev、Nikolai Trusov、Joan Horrach及Stijn Vandenbergh;至於曾於06及07年获得环法单站优胜的Gert Steegmans,因拒绝签署车队所额外提出之「若被筛检出使用禁药,将赔偿5倍薪水」的条款,而被车队暂时冷冻

Lampre-N.G.C.:David Loosli、Marco Bandiera、Angelo Furlan、Daniele Righi、Simon Spilak、Marcin Sapa、Mauro Santambrogio、Marzio Bruseghin及Alessandro Ballan(UCI世界公路赛冠军);令人意外的是,小王子Damiano Cunego竟然没有入选,难道把目标放在环西班牙?

Liquigas:Daniele Bennati(冲刺主将)、Roman Kreuziger(09年环瑞士GC第3名)、Vincenzo Nibali、Franco Pellizotti(09年环义GC第3名)、Fabio Sabatini、Aliaksandr Kuschynski、Alessandro Vanotti、Fredrik Willems及Brian Bach Vandborg.;由Roman Kreuziger及Vincenzo Nibali共同分摊队长的责任,车队目标是至少拿下一个单站胜利

Team Milram:Gerald Ciolek(冲刺主将)、Markus Fothen、Johannes Fröhlinger、Linus Gerdemann(GC主将)、Christian Knees、Niki Terpstra、Peter Velits、Fabian Wegmann及Peter Wrolich

Quick Step:Sylvain Chavanel、Jerome Pineau、Stijn Devolder(GC主将、08、09年环法兰德斯冠军)、Carlos Barredo Llamazales、Matteo Tosatto、Steven De Jongh、Sébastien Rosseler及Jurgen Van de Walle;主将Tom Boonen於四月份第二次被验出吸食毒品古柯碱,遭环法主办单位列为不受欢迎的对象,并禁止其参赛,目前车队正透过司法途径寻求解禁,让Tom Boonen可以顺利代表车队出赛,届时若无法顺利出赛,将由Allan Davis取代Tom Boonen,成为第九位车手

Rabobank:Stef Clement、Juan Antonio Flecha、Oscar Friere(3届UCI世界公路车赛冠军、08年环法绿衫、冲刺主将)、Juan Manuel Garate、 Robert Gesink、Denis Menchov(GC主将,09年环义总冠军)、Grischa Niermann、Joost Posthuma及Laurens ten Dam

Team Saxo Bank:Kurt-Asle Arvesen、Fabian Cancellara(06-07年UCI世界计时赛冠军、09年环瑞士总冠军)、Stuart O'Grady、Gustav Larsson、Andy Schleck(08年环法白衫)、Fränk Schleck、Chris Anker Sørensen、Nicki Sørensen及Jens Voigt;Schleck兄弟将是车队GC双主将,车队经理更表示将从第一天赛程开始就要发挥车队影响力,主宰整个环法赛

Silence – Lotto:Cadel Evans(07、08年环法GC第2位)、Charley Wegelius、Jurgen Van den Broeck、Johan Vansummeren、Greg Van Avermaet and Staf Scheirlinckx、Frenchman Mickaël Delage、Matthew Lloyd及Germany's Sebastian Lang

Skil - Shimano:Simon Geschke、Jonathan Hivert、Cyril Lemoine、Piet Rooijakkers、Albert Timmer、Kenny van Hummel、Kurt de Koen、Fumiyuki Beppu(别府史之)及Thierry Hupond;其中日本籍车手别府史之(Fumiyuki Beppu)与BBox Bouygues Telecom的新城幸也(Yukiya Arashiro)将是继今中大介后(96年环法赛登场)在环法赛出赛的日本车手,而别府也将挑战首位完成环法21站赛程的日本车手


Disneyland Park, formerly referred to simply as Disneyland from 1955-1998, is a theme park at Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California, USA (28 miles from Downtown Los Angeles). Owned and operated by The Walt Disney Company, The Magic Kingdom of Disneyland has become one of the most famous places on Earth.

Next to Disney World Resort in Florida, Disneyland is the most popular theme park in the world — based on the total number of visitors. More than 515 million "guests", among them presidents, royalty, and other heads of state, have travelled to the park from around the world since the attraction first opened to guests on July 17, 1955. A worldwide celebration in commemoration of Disneyland's 50th anniversary began on May 5, 2005 and concluded on September 30, 2006.

Walt Disney and his older brother Roy already headed one of Hollywood's more successful studios founded in 1924, long before the idea of a park even began to form. Walt's original concept was of a permanent family fun park without the negative element that traveling carnivals often attracted. He developed the idea during his many outings with his daughters Diane and Sharon, when he realized that there were no parks with activities that adults and children could enjoy together.

While many people had written letters to Walt Disney about visiting the Disney Studio lot and meeting their favorite Disney character, Walt realized that a functional movie studio had little to offer to the visiting fan. He then began to foster ideas of building a site at or near his Burbank studios for tourists to visit and perhaps take pictures with Disney characters set in statue form. His ideas then evolved to a small play park with a boat ride and other themed areas. Walt's initial concept, his "Mickey Mouse Park," grew bigger and bigger into a concept for a larger enterprise which was to become Disneyland.

Disneyland Park was partially inspired by Tivoli Gardens (built in 1843 in Copenhagen, Denmark), Greenfield Village (built in 1929 in Dearborn, Michigan), and Children's Fairyland (built in 1950 in Oakland, California). Disney's original modest plans called for the park to be built on eight acres (32,000 m²) on Riverside Drive next to the Disney Studios in Burbank, California as a place where his employees and families could go to relax.

Early in development, during the early 1950s, it became clear that more area would be needed. Difficulties in obtaining funding caused Disney to investigate new ways of raising money. He decided to use television to get the ideas into people's homes, and so he created a show named Disneyland which was broadcast on the fledgling American Broadcasting Company (ABC) television network. In return, the network agreed to help finance the new park. On the suggestion of researchers at Stanford Research Institute who correctly envisioned the area's potential growth, Disney acquired 160 acres (730,000 m²) of orange groves and walnut trees in Anaheim, south of Los Angeles in neighboring Orange County. [1] [2] Construction began on July 18, 1954 and would cost USD$17 million to complete. U.S. Route 101 (later Interstate 5) was under construction at the same time just to the north of the site; in preparation for the traffic which Disneyland was expected to bring, two more lanes were added to the freeway even before the park was finished.

Because of financial considerations, Walt Disney was forced to turn to outside financing for his theme park. He first turned to long-time licensee Western Publishing which invested in the park. ABC as part of the deal to broadcast the Disneyland television show also became an investor. For the first five years of its operation, Disneyland was owned by Disneyland, Inc., of which Walt Disney Productions, Western Publishing and ABC each owned shares. After the park was a clear success Western acceeded to a request to sell its share in the enterprise back to Disney. But ABC refused the same request initially, feeling the profit potential of the park was too lucrative to sell. It wasn't until 1960 that Walt Disney Productions acquired ABC's share of the theme park. Disney's displeasure at ABC's actions partly motivated the Walt Disney anthology series moving to NBC in 1961.

[edit] 1955: Opening day

An aerial view of Disneyland in 1956. The entire route of the Disneyland Railroad is clearly visible as it encircles the park.Disneyland Park was opened to the public on Monday, July 18, 1955. However, a special "International Press Preview" event was held on Sunday, July 17, 1955 which was only open to invited guests and the media. The Special Sunday events, including the dedication were televised nationwide and anchored by three of Walt Disney's friends from Hollywood: Art Linkletter, Bob Cummings, and Ronald Reagan.

The event did not go smoothly. The park was overcrowded as the by-invitation-only affair was plagued with counterfeit tickets. All major roads nearby were congested. The summer temperature was over 110 degrees Fahrenheit, and a plumbers' strike left many of the park's drinking fountains dry. The asphalt that had been poured just the night before was so soft that ladies' high-heeled shoes sank in. Vendors ran out of food. A gas leak in Fantasyland caused Adventureland, Frontierland, and Fantasyland to close for the afternoon. Parents were throwing their children over the shoulders of crowds to get them onto rides such as the Dumbo Flying Elephants.

The park got such bad press for the event day that Walt Disney invited members of the press back for a private "second day" to experience the true Disneyland, after which Walt held a party in the Disneyland Hotel for them. Walt and his 1955 executives forever referred to the first day as "Black Sunday," although July 17 is currently acknowledged by Disney as the official opening day. On July 17 every year, cast members wear pin badges stating how many years it has been since July 17, 1955. For example, in 2004 they wore the slogan "The magic began 49 years ago today." But for the first ten years or so, Disney did officially state that opening day was on July 18th, including in the park's own publications.

On Monday, July 18 crowds started to gather in line as early as 2 a.m., and the first person to buy a ticket and enter the park was David MacPherson. Walt Disney decided to have a photo taken with two children, Michael Schwartner and Christine Vess instead, and the photo of the three always carries a caption along the lines of "Walt Disney with the first two guests of Disneyland." MacPherson, Schwartner and Vess all received lifetime passes to Disneyland, which was later expanded to every single Disney-owned park in the world.

[edit] The Magic Kingdoms around the World

Plaque at the entrance that embodies the intended spirit of Disneyland by Walt Disney: to leave reality and enter fantasyMain article: Walt Disney Parks and Resorts

Despite the problems on opening day, Disneyland became an enormous success within its first few months. It attracted visitors worldwide in unprecedented numbers. Soon, even as Disneyland continued to grow, Walt Disney planned an expansion of the concept: Walt Disney World.

Walt Disney World would be a self-contained and completely-integrated vacation experience encompassing more land than twice that of the island of Manhattan.

Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida is the world's largest privately owned vacation destination in the world, in addition to being its most popular.

Walt Disney World opened in 1971 under the guidance of Roy O. Disney, almost five years after the death of Walt Disney. Since the initial opening with one theme park and two hotels, the resort has grown into a collection of: four theme parks; two water parks; twenty-three hotels; and, an entertainment district.

In 1983 the first international Disney theme park opened: Tokyo Disneyland Park in Japan. Tokyo Disneyland is now part of Tokyo Disney Resort and has a sister theme park Tokyo Disney Sea. Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo Disney Sea are owned by a Japanese corporation, Oriental Land Company. The Walt Disney Company receives royalties based on revenues and maintains creative control.

In 1992 EuroDisney opened in France and is now part of Disneyland Resort Paris with two theme parks.

On September 12, 2005,Hong Kong Disneyland was opened in the People's Republic of China. Hong Kong Disneyland Resort is owned jointly by the Hong Kong Government and The Walt Disney Company.

[edit] 1990's Transition: A Theme Park and Hotel Becomes a Resort Destination

In the 1990s, major construction began to transform Disneyland from a theme park into a vacation resort. The Walt Disney Company purchased land surrounding the park that was once the site of low-budget motels and trailer courts and — on the site of Disneyland's original "Hundred-Acre Parking Lot" — Disney's California Adventure Park and Downtown Disney opened in 2001. The Grand Californian Hotel, patterned after the Arts and Crafts movement of the early 20th century, extends into Disney's California Adventure Park and allows paying guests to enter that park through the hotel itself.

Most of the resort's parking today is handled by the six-level "Mickey and Friends" parking structure. With six levels and 10,250 parking spaces, it was for a short time the largest parking structure in the world. Propane-powered trams bring visitors to the entrance plaza between the two parks. There are three other Disney-owned parking lots in the Resort. The Timon Parking Lot entrance is right at the intersection of Harbor Blvd. and Disney Way. The other lot, the Pumbaa Lot, sits across Harbor Boulevard at Disney Way, but has no tram access. The Pinocchio lot sits just north of the Disneyland Hotel adjacent to the "Mickey and Friends" parking structure. There are also some smaller, off-property lots with regular shuttle service to the parks, and most nearby hotels offer regular shuttle service as well.

The park's management team of the mid-1990s was a tremendous source of contention to many Disneyland fans and employees. Headed by executives Cynthia Harriss and Paul Pressler, each with a retail marketing background, Disneyland's focus gradually changed from attractions to merchandising. The leaders came under increasing criticism for a host of cost-cutting initiatives and profit-boosting schemes.

Under their direction, few new attractions were built and many were closed down. Shops that once carried a variety of items themed to their locations now carried general Disney character products. Themed restaurants and shops were closed and replaced by Outdoor vending carts which caused crowds to clog walkways. The decision to remodel Tomorrowland, derided by some fans, was attributable to Pressler, as was the closure of a great many popular attractions within the area. Dewitt "T" Irby, a retired U.S. Army officer hired as facilities manager, was blamed for the destruction of much of the tooling and attraction components in storage in the backstage areas in an effort to streamline operations as recommended by outside consultants.

After nearly a decade of deferred maintenance, Walt Disney's original theme park was showing visible signs of neglect. Paint was peeling off buildings and roofs were literally disintegrating from age, especially the thatched roofs in Fantasyland and Adventureland. Light bulbs, which were once replaced before they burned out, not only were run to burnout but were so numerous as to make the facades they outlined look almost toothless. Fans of the park decried the perceived decline in customer value and park quality and rallied for the dismissal of the management team.

[edit] Disneyland in the 21st Century

In 2003, both Harriss and Pressler stepped down to take over operations of national clothing retailer The Gap. Irby stepped down the following year.

Matt Ouimet, formerly the president of the Disney Cruise Line, was promoted to assume leadership of the Disneyland Resort in late 2003. Shortly afterward, he selected Greg Emmer as Senior Vice President of Operations. Emmer is a long-time Disney cast member who had worked at Disneyland in his youth prior to moving to Florida and holding multiple executive leadership positions at the Walt Disney World Resort. Ouimet quickly set about reversing certain trends, especially with regards to cosmetic maintenance and a return to the original infrastructure maintenance schedule, in hopes of restoring the safety record of the past. Much like Walt Disney himself, Ouimet and Emmer could often be seen walking the park during business hours with members of their staff. They wore cast member name badges, stood in line for attractions and welcomed comments from guests.

In July 2006, Matt Ouimet announced that he would be leaving The Walt Disney Company to become president of Starwood Hotels Resorts Worldwide. Soon after this announcement, Ed Grier, executive managing director of Walt Disney Attractions Japan, was named president of the Disneyland Resort. Greg Emmer remains at the Disneyland Resort.

Disneyland Park hosted its 500-millionth guest in 2004.

[edit] 50th anniversary

In 2004, the park undertook a number of major renovation projects in preparation for its fiftieth anniversary celebration. Many classic attractions (often ones neglected during Paul Pressler and Cynthia Harriss' times as Disneyland Resort President) have been restored, probably most notably Space Mountain, Jungle Cruise, and Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room, which has received a complete restoration of its 40-year-old soundtrack.

In 2005, the entire Walt Disney Company celebrated Disneyland Park's 50th anniversary, marketed as the "Happiest Homecoming on Earth." The official celebration began on May 5, with a dedication from Michael Eisner, Bob Iger, and Art Linkletter. On July 15, 2005, Disneyland Park became the first 'location' to get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Richard Marx wrote the official theme song, "Remember When", which was performed by Grammy winning country artist LeAnn Rimes, for the 50th Anniversary of Disney.

The actual anniversary day (July 17) was an event marked by fans' enthusiasm. The first person to enter the park on the official 50th anniversary was Madison Steigerwald, a 15-year old girl from Old Greenwich, CT. She and her grandmother, Mary Madison, began to line up at 3 p.m. the day before. Overnight, park management opened the gates of Disney's California Adventure Park simply to house the thousands of people who showed up over the course of the night. A second line formed outside the security checkpoints as thousands more arrived in the final hours before the park opened. Disneyland Park opened at 7:00 a.m., although it took several hours to admit the crowds that showed up that morning.

At 10:00 a.m., Diane Disney Miller reread her father's original dedication speech in a ceremony with Art Linkletter, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, CEO-elect Robert Iger, and CEO Michael Eisner. Later that day, a recording of Walt Disney's original dedication speech was replayed throughout the park, exactly 50 years to the minute from when it was originally delivered. No other special events had been planned for the day, making for a much smaller celebration than the media blowout of May 5. There were also complimentary golden Mickey ears that were specifically made for July 17, along with cupcakes for the guests. Many of the people who had waited overnight left after the rededication. Although the gates had been temporarily closed in the morning, it was done only to control crowds which were flooding Main Street for the morning ceremony. The park never reached capacity that day.

Further information: Happiest Homecoming on Earth

[edit] Park layout

Famous statue of Walt and Mickey, called "Partners", stands at the end of Main Street.Disneyland Park Attractions

50th Anniversary

Year of a Million Dreams

Main Street, U.S.A.

Disneyland Railroad

Main Street Cinema

Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln

Disneyland: The First 50 Magical Years

Main Street Vehicles

Fire Engine

Horse-Drawn Streetcars

Horseless Carriage



Alice in Wonderland

Casey Jr. Circus Train

Dumbo the Flying Elephant

Fantasyland Theater

"it's a small world"

King Arthur Carrousel

Mad Tea Party

Matterhorn Bobsleds

Mr. Toad's Wild Ride

Peter Pan's Flight

Pinocchio's Daring Journey

Sleeping Beauty Castle

Snow White's Scary Adventures

Storybook Land Canal Boats


Astro Orbitor


Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters

Disneyland Monorail System

Disneyland Railroad

Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage

Honey, I Shrunk the Audience


Space Mountain


Star Tours


Big Thunder Mountain Railroad

Tom Sawyer Island

Frontierland Shootin' Exposition

Mark Twain Riverboat

Rafts to Tom Sawyer Island

Sailing Ship Columbia

Big Thunder Ranch

The Golden Horseshoe Stage


Enchanted Tiki Room

Indiana Jones Adventure

Jungle Cruise

Tarzan's Treehouse

New Orleans Square

Haunted Mansion

Pirates of the Caribbean

The Disney Gallery

Club 33

Critter Country

Splash Mountain

Davy Crockett's Explorer Canoes

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh

Mickey's Toontown

Chip 'n Dale Treehouse

Donald's Boat

Gadget's Go Coaster

Goofy's Playhouse

Mickey's House

Minnie's House

Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin


Walt Disney's Parade of Dreams

Remember... Dreams Come True

Dapper Dans


The park is divided into realms, which radiate like the four cardinal points of the compass from Central Plaza, and well-concealed backstage areas, which normally only Disneyland hosts and hostesses can enter. The public areas occupy approximately 85 acres (344,000 m²).

At the center of The Magic Kingdom and immediately North of Central Plaza stands Sleeping Beauty Castle, which provides entrance to Fantasyland by way of a drawbridge across a moat. Adventureland, Frontierland, and Tomorrowland are arrayed on both sides of the castle.

To reach Central Plaza, guests first progress through Main Street, U.S.A., "everyone's hometown", as Walt Disney described it.

Born in Chicago, Illinois in 1901, Walt Disney conveyed impressions of his formative years at the turn of the 20th Century in middle America, in Marceline and Kansas City, Missouri, specifically, through the idealized and universalized form of the archetypal Main Street.

It is here, also, where the duality of Disneyland is first experienced. Main Street, Disneyland, U.S.A. gives way to a magic kingdom where timeless and imaginary characters, settings, and stories come to life in fully-immersive and permanent physicality.

[edit] Lands

Main articles: List of current Disneyland attractions and List of past Disneyland attractions

The original park layout included four distinct lands or realms, in addition to Main Street, U.S.A. Three more areas have been added since the park's opening, including New Orleans Square and Critter Country in Frontierland and Mickey's Toontown as an annex to Fantasyland. Once entering a realm, a guest is unable to see the outside world or any of the adjacent areas.

[edit] Main Street, U.S.A.

Walt Disney's "Lilly Belle" miniature live steam locomotive on display at Disneyland Main Station in 1993.Based on the stereotypical turn-of-the-19th-century city, specifically Disney's boyhood home of Marceline, Missouri, Main Street, U.S.A. is home to many shops but is the only land in all of Disneyland without a permanent ride. Walt Disney said, "For those of us who remember the carefree time it recreates, Main Street will bring back happy memories. For younger visitors, it is an adventure in turning back the calend


科隆大教堂(K lner Dom)与巴黎圣母院、罗马圣彼得大教堂并称为欧洲三大宗教建 筑

Kölner Dom und Notre Dame de Paris, Rom und St. Peter's Cathedral, auch bekannt als Europas drei großen Religionen, Bau -

Kölner Dom ist die größte Kirche in Nordeuropa, befindet sich in der Innenstadt von Köln, Deutschland, Köln ist ein Zeichen dafür, dass Frankreich nach Reims Kathedrale von Amiens Kathedrale und als Vorlage, ist Deutschlands erste voll und ganz im Einklang mit dem französischen gotischen Stil in den Bau Peak Die Kirche. Sein vollständiger Name ist "Richard Getebide Maria Kathedrale", auch bekannt als die "Saint Peter's Basilika," Europa ist das Mittelalter gotische Architektur Vertreter, kann beschrieben werden als weltweit perfekte gotische Kirche Bau. Es ist das christliche Symbol. Kölner Dom Kathedrale ist der weltweit Nr. 4.


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